Be careful!
Private individuals sell on Qlekta. Thus, check the reliability of the seller. Carefully look through all of the information in the listing and in the profile, talk to the seller, either call them or text them. This will help you to make the right decision.
Honest and trusted sellers don't have anything to hide – they have listed several contact and payment options; they are quick to respond and send additional pictures or data about the item, answer specific questions about the watch. Remember to look for reviews from other real buyers – it is the most credible source for your confirmation. And last but not least – can you find a dealer on social media? Do they post industry-related content?
Trust your gut feeling! If something seems suspicious, stay away from the deal and contact us. Do you already know your desired brand and model? Let us mention steps to complete for a safe purchase. First, begin with the seller's rating, then look for the fair price validation and read here for the following steps.